

Our goal is for you to have the most effective appointments possible so we’re providing state-of-the-art technology to match our Planners and Suppliers for productive face to face meetings.

During the registration process, Planners will be asked a series of questions about their meeting activities, such as: size of roomblock, where and when they meet, rate range, and history. It’s a requirement that Planners be involved in the recommendation and/or decision-making process to be able to participate in XSITE and be eligible for the $100 American Express Gift Card.

Suppliers will be asked to provide information on the scope of their services, such as: how large a group they can accommodate, type of service they provide, where they are located and where they are able to conduct business.

There is a matching process where you will be able to make requests for specific appointments. All participants will have the potential for up to 15 appointments. The appointments are approximately 8 minutes in length with 2 minutes to transition between appointments.

We’re also providing a Planner Lounge for Planners who register late. If a Supplier finds they have an open appointment slot or no-show, they can swing by the Planner Lounge for an impromptu meeting!

Planners who complete their full appointment schedule will be given a $100 American Express Gift Card at the conclusion of the show.

Register for XSITE Birmingham 2015